My Story is HIStory
May 9, 2017
Thoughts on Psalm 40
October 17, 2017
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I Am Weak, He Is Strong

I’m honored to be a part of the Coalition of Pro Life Leaders in Iowa. Within the Coalition I’m surrounded by heroic men and women who are passionate about saving baby’s lives. The battle for the voiceless, innocent lives of the unborn and their mothers is never easy.  The gold standard in this fight is to establish that life begins at conception.

This past year we were praying regarding a bill, which was written at our state level, defining life begins at conception.  Unfortunately, there was not enough support to even debate it in a Republican-controlled full committee.

The Coalition met the following morning and our hearts were broken. Not because there weren’t other legislative options, but because we have seen how abortion deeply hurts those left to navigate the murky waters following an abortion and it also ends the life of a precious human. During this meeting many shared and the passion in the room was so tangible that, at times, I had tears in my eyes.

A couple days later I was spending time in prayer and the Lord reminded me of the meeting. What some might have interpreted as anger during the meeting, I would call passion, passion for someone weaker and in need of being saved.  This weaker one’s life depended on someone to save them.

The Lord gently reminded me of His feelings for me. I was weak and in need of a Savior. Our Heavenly Father’s passion burns against sin because He knows and sees the consequences of sin.  Those in the room that day exhibited the heart of God.  Even today the Lord continues to fight for me….and you.  The Lord desires that all would experience the truth of His Kingdom and the need for a Savior. Would you pray with me that our state and national legislators would experience truth regarding the issue of LIFE.

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