No More Scars
November 29, 2016
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Grab Your Cup Of Coffee

Welcome!! My name is Laura and my story is a picture of God’s grace and mercy.  Today God has blessed me with an amazing husband, John, and three wonderful children.  But I have one other child that I will never have the honor of holding on this side of eternity.


Weeks before entering my senior year of high school, I found myself in an abortion clinic. That day I lost my child, a part of my heart, my courage, my self-worth and esteem. It cost me so much. They (prochoice, politicians, clinics, courts, etc) never tell you how your heart will ache for the precious child you will never hold this side of heaven or how it will affect you emotionally, spiritually and physically. Years ago I made a decision to give God my mess and He gave me a message.


I minister to not just women and families who have lost a child through abortion and miscarriage, but to those who suffer under the weight of guilt, shame, anger, unforgiveness and grief.  As we allow God to lead us, we work through denial, anger, forgiveness, and grief.  Through this process we find hope and joy once again. We are restored by His grace.


Although I can’t really say I enjoy sharing my testimony, I do love sharing my testimony. I know when I do, God gets all the glory for the amazing things He has done in my life.  But, I also know each time I share my testimony, there is new freedom; freedom from shame and the enemy. Why? Because the truth sets us free.


I also love the freedom I see it bring to others. I’ve seen many men and women embrace the truth of their past as I have shared and be set free of the bondage which held them captive for years. Many times it isn’t even an abortion or divorce in their past, but an affair, lies, etc. My transparency and message of God’s love gives them strength to share their story and begin their journey in applying God’s truth, grace and love to their past.


I also love seeing God’s children step into the fullness of who they are in Christ. As image bearers of God, it is so critical that we know who He is so we can know who we are. It’s an amazing thing that the God of the universe made us in His image. But, too many times, we don’t understand His image so we can’t fully embrace ours.


I’d love for you to grab a cup of coffee while we journey together, growing in the things of the Lord, and exposing lies that took root all the way back in the Garden of Eden

1 Comment

  1. amy griffin says:

    Thanks for sharing both the truth and the love of Jesus. They definitely go hand in hand.

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